Introduction to Git and Github

Introduction to Git and Github


  • Introduction to git
  • Types of version control
  • Introduction to github
  • Why use github
  • How to create a github account
  • How to install and configure git

Introduction to git

When you are working on a simple project, such as a single page html, it is very easy to remember the last thing you changed and where the changed occurred.

Version Control Systems (VCS) help a software team manage changes to source code over time. VCS software includes tools for saving the state of a project, viewing the history of changes, and reverting changes. Developing software without using version control is risky, similar to not having backups. VCS can also enhance and speed up development. Depending on the version control software used, many developers can work on the same code at the same time.

Types of version controls

There are two types of version control.

  • Centralized version control system
  • Distributed control system

Centralized VCS

All the team members or people working on the same code connect to the central server to get the latest copy of the code, and to share their changes with others. The pitfall of centralized VCS is if the server goes offline, we can’t collaborate and save snapshots of our project. So, we have to wait until the project comes back online.

Distributed Version control systems

we don’t have this problem. Every team member has a copy of the project with its history on their machine. So, we can save the snapshots of our project locally on our computer. If our server is offline, we can synchronize our work directly with others. One of the most popular version control systems is Git, a distributed VCS.

Git has another advantage - it is distributed. Rather than having only one single place for the full version history of a project, every developer's working copy of the code is also a repository that can contain the full history of all changes. Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for development of the Linux kernel, with other kernel developers contributing to its initial development.

Introduction to github

GitHub is the cloud-hosted Git management tool and git is Version Control System. Github helps us to share and store our code easily.

Why use github

Github helps us to share and store our code easily. With the help of github we can work on project irrespective of our location or schedule.

How to create a github account

The steps below illustrate how to create a github account;

  • Load GitHub website on your browser or click GitHub

github landing page

  • Create a new account by clicking the sign up button and fill up necessary information such as username, email password etc.

github registration page

lastly login to your github account using your registered username and password Boom you now have a github Account.

github homepage

How to install and configure git

Before we can monitor or control our project, we need to have git install and configure on our local machine.

Setup and installation

You can download git from here and for installation, use these instructions provided by git (if it’s not already installed).

git landing page


if it's your first time using git then you need to configure it, so that git can identify the user. follow the steps below to configure git on your local machine

Steps to configure git on your local machine(computer)

command line

  • Search for command prompt on window and command Line mac then open program to lunch the command interface

  • on your command line run the command below to configure git on your machine:

git config — global “Your Name”
git config — global youremail@example

So far, we have been able to cover some basics of git and github, in our next article we are going to be covering How to push our project to github. Please do comment, share and like, see you in the next article.